Showing posts with label building character. Show all posts
Showing posts with label building character. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

FAMILY LIFE - children, development, culture war, digital age, family life, handicaps, home liturgy, the Lord's Day, love, media, sabbath, world peace

On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


A child gives life to love and love to life – COLF – 2000

AMother’s Story of Down Syndrome – 160322

At Home: Celebrating the Liturgy of Domestic Church Life – 200324

Avoirdes sœurs aide à devenir une meilleure personne – 180316

Building Catholic Character: 5 Things Parents Can Do – 120418

Catholic Q & A – Info on R.C. doctrines – 100209

Eachchild needs a mother and father united in marital love – 170608

ChildrenLearn What They Live – 111230

Comelet us pray! A Prayerful Home – A Prayerful Life – COLF – 2001

Confession Preparation – Fr. Thomas Dowd Montreal 2003 – 170304

Confession Se Préparer – Abbé Thomas Dowd Montreal 2003 – 170304

Confronting the New Age – in The Bread of Life – May / June 2008

The dark side of living ‘childfree’ – 150625

Delegate even if it takes more time – 160923

Developmental Stages from 0 to 20 – 141125

Discerning Fruits of the Digital Age VS Face-to-Face – KofC – 140301

Early Catholic Family Life 0 to 5 – Forming Family Faith – 170806

L’Évangile de la vie quotidienne – OCVF – 121002

Exorcist says a demon targets the family – 160924 


Christ calls us to sow joy and hope! – COLF – 2014

Did you know? Love is calling your children – COLF – 2011

Let’s Build a Better World Together! – COLF – 2009

Messengers of the Compassionate Love of Christ – COLF – 2003

Where are the saints of the third millennium? – COLF – 2007

Source of joy and hope! Unwrap your gifts… – COLF – 1998

Choose Life: Choose Jesus Christ (New Age) – COLF – 2013

Family Life – Living It Together – 150220

Handicaps, Children, Family, Matrimony, Vocation – 160924

Human & Personal Development – 181030

The Lord’s Day of Rest for a Young Catholic Family – 150223

The Lord’s Day – Rest, Work, & Hospitality – 141126

Love must be core of family life – Pope Francis – 170330

Mai 2011! Le mois de la famille! – Paroisse – 110413

Mai 2011! Le mois de la famille! – Famille – 110413

Maternal Fetal Attachment – Bioethics – 140124

The Media: A Fascinating Challenge for the Family – 161019

The Next Culture War (to rebuild society) – 150630

Public Crisis – Doing Our Best Is a Good Start – 181028

Reflection before Participating in Sunday Mass – 181203

Sabbath – The Liberating Gift – 141126

Sabbath Resources – 141125

Serving the Divorced and Remarried Well – 161016

What happens during Mass & life in parallel? – 190130

Why God Made Families – poem – 141107

World Peace: a family recipe! – COLF – 2005


On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Humanity at the beginning of the Third Millennium is in crisis. The R.C. Church is in crisis, but so are the other Christian churches and other religions. What are we to do about it in 2024?

On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary discipl...