Showing posts with label mortality prevention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mortality prevention. Show all posts

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Health Tips - Steps to Better Nutrition - Pour une Meilleure Nutrition

On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.



Introduction               In 1981 while suffering from the flu in seminary in Ottawa I was diagnosed with functional hypoglycaemia. From that point on I researched to better understand and manage my condition and learned the importance of a better balance of exercise, sleep, nutrition, attitude, and spirituality; as well as simple things like chewing food thoroughly until the mouth salivates and liquefies the food before swallowing.

We can cook a variety of dishes which are good to excellent. From a raw food point of view, we can assure we eat a variety in greens and fruit. It is also highly recommended generally to include beans and lentils and also avocado, which also provide protein as substitutes to meats and fish. It would be better for us to include in our diet more of raw greens with local naturally ripened fruits as much as possible, as well as nuts and seeds. It is a myth that nuts will make you gain weight.
So, what about our need for proteins, right? Well, it turns out that proteins are complex combinations of essential amino acids (there are 14), and these are abundant in greens, which are more easily and quickly absorbed by our metabolism than already combined amino acids in animal proteins. Instead of requiring our body to metabolize complex animal proteins to extract from them the amino acids, it is far easier, more direct and beneficial, for us to metabolize the amino acids themselves in their natural state in greens.

Dr. Michael Greger              You will find below a talk (2003) given by Dr Michael Greger (1 hr 16 min) which corroborates much of what is promoted by the Boutenko's. Dr Michael Greger is quite entertaining in an idiosyncratic kind of way, and here are his essential points. This man is an MD and quotes mounds of serious scientific studies in the Harvard Medical Library or presented to the US government; so his findings are based on serious medical research. He is like a detective on the trail of a puzzle. Like most vegetarians and vegans (vegetarians who also avoid eggs and dairy products) he assumed that these two groups should be far healthier and live longer than meat eaters. He was shocked in going to the latest research to discover that vegetarians and vegans are dying just as much from fatal diseases – or even more so – such as coronary and vascular diseases as meat eaters and suffer more from brain disorders and osteoporosis as diagnosed in hip fractures.

I do not reproduce here the medical details, so you will need to listen to his talk to see what nutritional risks to health causing coronary and other fatal diseases are not being avoided by vegetarians and vegans and which are putting them at the same risk of early death as meat eaters. The advantages vegetarians and vegans obtain by their diets are lost because of additional risks due to their diets that don't affect meat eaters. Still shocked, he set out to go deeper into published scientific research to discover the underlying causes of those fatal diseases. Here is what he found and here are the nutritional recommendation emerging from these findings.

1.  One important health threat is when the ratio in our body of Omega 6 to Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is higher than 4 to 1 (both are polyunsaturated fats but Omega 3 is great for us while Omega 6 is not so good) : when the ratio is 4 to 1 or less our metabolism favours Omega 3 and stalls Omega 6, but when the ratio is higher than 4 to 1 our metabolism favours Omega 6 and ignores Omega 3 in us and causes or exacerbates coronary and vascular inflammation, which leads to a host of fatal coronary, vascular, and neurological diseases. Vegetarians and vegans can be just as prone to these risks as meat eaters or under certain conditions at greater risk.

Omega 3's are great for us but the Omega 6's are not so good. When we take in sufficient Omega 3 fatty acid an enzyme metabolizes it and produces EPA (
eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) which prevent coronary inflammation, vascular plaque, and blood clots. For this reason, the most important thing we can do for our health and the most beneficial single change we can make to our diet is to take 1 to 2 tbsp of ground flax seeds a day (better source than fish and fish oils) on cereal, in a smoothie, or other ways. 

This is the best way to increase Omega 3 fatty acid and avoid being overwhelmed by too much Omega 6 fatty acid. So we need to decrease using Omega 6 oils in favour of Olive or Canola oil (both mono-unsaturated which are good) and increase our consumption of Omega 3's, hence the ground flax seeds (ungrounded seeds are so tough they pass right through the bowel with no benefit to us at all.). Ground flax is very flexible: 1 tbsp mixed in 3 tbsp water = equivalent to one egg for baking. Heating does no damage to Omega 3 in ground flax seeds.

2.  The other big threat to health and even more serious is homocystine (a very dangerous neuro and vascular toxin causing any number of health disorders such as arterial and coronary inflammation, oxidized arterial cholesterol or plaque, blood clots, arrhythmia, fatal heart disease, Alzheimer and other neurological diseases). Homocystine is a natural by-product of metabolizing amino acids. 

Our body normally eliminates it through the metabolic action of Vitamin B6 and Choline (from animals and plants), Folic Acid (Folate from plants), and Vitamin B12 (from animals and insects). 

A balanced diet of plants and meat probably gives us enough of these but vegetarians and vegans don't get any B12 from meats so they need to take supplements of Vitamin B12 (produced artificially). 
We can never get too much, so 100+ mcg per day or 2000+ mcg per week (liver stores it for a while) are recommended. Diets containing dark leafy greens, vegetables and fruits provide sufficient Vitamin B6, Choline, and Folic Acid (Folate) such that no supplements are needed to provide them. 

Taking sufficient daily or weekly doses of Vitamin B12 prevents the entire process of injury to the heart, arteries, brain, and nervous system before the naturally occurring homocystine produced by the metabolism of amino acids causes injury which leads to inflammation which leads to oxidized cholesterol or plaque which leads to the formation of blood clots and finally to near fatal and fatal heart damage and arrhythmia and premature death.

3.  Eating 3 cups of dark leafy greens and broccoli a day (the stem of kale and other heavy leafy greens should be removed as they are quite bitter and the benefit is in the leaves not in the stem) provides enough calcium, iron, zinc and other minerals. Daily consumption of greens, beans, whole grains, and nuts also provides iron and zinc. Brazil nuts provide selenium, so it's good to include them in our diet at least once a month. He said that beans are best sprouted or fermented, and nuts and seeds are best dry roasted or sprouted.

4.  Saturated fats are to be avoided because they are injurious to our health (animal fats, coconut oil, palm kernel oil). Palm oil is used in a lot of processed foods as well as coconut oil. The benefits of vegetarian diet is avoiding transfats in the meat... all animal fats contain transfats and the ideal is to avoid them all.

5.  Five large glasses of water a day reduce by half a number of serious even fatal diseases, since so much of the human body is composed of water and requires water for all the organs to function optimally. The consumption of 9 or more portions of fresh fruit and fresh vegetables a day reduces these risks by half again.

6.  Chlorinated water destroys the iodine we might otherwise get from our drinking water, but we can prevent iodine deficiency by eating sea vegetables or living by the sea and breathing in iodized oxygen all day long, or by taking iodine supplements. Years ago I had a co-worker from Normandy in France who spent all her life living by the sea and when she came to Canada to live in Montreal her health quickly deteriorated and she was diagnosed with iodine deficiency and had to begin taking supplements which restored her to her former healthy condition. She admitted though to not feeling quite as vital and vibrant as when she had lived by the sea.


Have daily: 5 large glasses of water, Supplemental Vitamin B6 & B12, 2 tbsp ground flax seeds, 3 cups or bunches of dark leafy greens & broccoli, 9 or more portions of fresh fruit & vegetables, olive oil & canola oil, whole grains, nuts, & seeds (including walnuts, chia and / or hemp seeds), avocados, beans & lentils, and sea vegetables for iodine.

Full Summary of Nutritional recommendations coming from Dr. Michael Greger's conference

AVOID Saturated Fats (animal trans fats & commercial hydrogenated oils: coconut* or palm kernel oil*)     Omega 6 Poly unsaturated fatty acids (cotton seed oil*, corn oil*, safflower oil*, sunflower oil*)                             *hydrogenated cooking oils produced by the chemical industry

The only nuts to avoid are coconut and chestnuts.  

FAVOUR Mono-unsaturated oils (nuts, avocados, olive oil, and canola oil) 
Omega 3 fatty acids as in (dark leafy greens, fatty fish, walnuts, seeds: hemp, flax, chia)

Omega 3 is in fish, but with the added risks of heavy metals and other pollutants. 

CONSUME 3 cups or bunches of dark leafy greens (Kale, Bok Choi, Collard) & broccoli daily (for calcium, Vitamin K, boron), beans, whole grains, nuts, & seeds (as meat substitute and for iron combined with Vitamin C rich foods to enhance iron absorption)

DRINK 5 large glasses of water per day

HAVE 9 or more portions of fresh fruit and vegetables per day

GET iodine from sea vegetables

ADD 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds per day – flax is the best and most abundant source  

ADD 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds per day – flax is the best and most abundant source
            Supplemental Vitamin B6 daily (50 to 100 mg per day)

            Supplemental Vitamin B12 daily (100+ mcg per day) or weekly (2000+ mcg per week)

            Supplemental Vitamin D daily (1,000 I.U. per day)

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The Boutenko Family          
This is a family of Russian émigrés to the USA who embraced the American way and all became sick. They saw many Americans were unwell like them while others seemed very healthy; so they asked them what they did to enjoy such good health. They came to put aside fast foods and the typical diet of cooked meats and vegetables in favor of raw fruits and vegetables, only to discover they were suffering from certain mineral and other nutritional deficiencies. They found that much of the nutrition they were still lacking is to be found in edible greens, which contain minerals and all the essential amino acids. Now they occasionally enjoy some cooked grains as well but favour a diet that combines dark leafy greens – preferably organic ones and those to be found in the wild, including plants we considered mere weeds – with fruits in a "green smoothie". They also add Chia and Flax seeds which provide Omega 3 fatty acids essential to good health.

Victoria Boutenko gives the nutritional content of edible greens compared to vegetables

Valya Boutenko gives a green smoothies workshop on

Sergei Boutenko’s family story, raw edible greens & fruits

Sergei Boutenko gives a wild edible nature walk

Conclusion                 Well, dear friend, I have sent you these reports of my findings out of my own concern for healthy nutrition and living. Physical activity, daily exercise, proper rest, a lively faith and a healthy spirituality have not entered into these reports but are just as essential to living a healthy, holy, and vibrantly fruitful human life. It is my hope and prayer that you and your family with the Lord's guidance and grace will incorporate all of these elements into your lives, one step at a time. It is our Creator's design that we live in harmony with all the creatures with which He has surrounded us, that we care for them all, and of course for each other.

Originally composed May 24, 2015. Edited and modified December 14, 2017 & January 27, 2021.


On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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