Showing posts with label mutual caring & trust. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mutual caring & trust. Show all posts

Friday, December 13, 2019

MARRIAGE - Annulments, Crisis, Deadly Sins Remedies, Divorce Recovery, Human Condition, Love, Respect, Sabbath/Sunday Rest, Stress

On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


10 Ways to Show Respect to Your Spouse – 180803

8 Ways to Show Your Wife Respect – 180222

Catholic Christian Tools Blog LINK with helps for prayer & faith

The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide – 150902

The Catholic Understanding of Marriage – 181110

Confessions of a Former Sabbath Breaker – 880902

Les Couples et la condition humaine – 130403

Divorce and Remarriage – A Pastoral Approach – 181102

Divorce Recovery Programs for Christians – 150902

EQUIPPED – Smart Catholic Parenting in Sexualized Culture – 191213

The Family Rosary Taught by Fr. Patrick Peyton – 180624

The Family School of love for life! A sanctuary of life…. – COLF – 1997

Family Stress & Energy Test – Montréal QC – 181028

Fathers’ Day Meditation – 181101

The Gospel of Everyday Life. An adventure worth sharing! – COLF – 2012

Green Love – The natural approach to family planning – COLF – 1998

How the Church supports marriages every step – CNA – 170214

How to Respond to Your Child’s Friendship Issues – 170511

Humanae Vitae is prophetic ‘blueprint’ for society – 181011

Husband’s Duties VS demonic attacks on Marriage & Family – 161003

Keep Holy Sunday - day of grace dedicated to God – 020622

Kids think no need to go to church because dad doesn’t – 180412

Living in the Image and Likeness of God – 180214

Marriage & Family Hazards & Safeguards – 090420

Marriage, Divorce, Annulments by Fr Thomas Dowd – 080315

Marriage in Crisis? By Rev. Cormac Burke (1976) – Scepter – 170225

Mediation – Families in Transition / Parenting Travel Log – 170209

Most marriages today are invalid, Pope Francis suggests – 160617

The Seven Deadly Sins & Their Remedies – 160316

There’s just not enough hours in the day – 031201

TIPS for Marriage & Family from the Family Life Chaplain – 150620

What the Church really says about divorce – CNA – 150907

What’s destroying RC marriages? Overcoming sinful anger – 151230

When tempted to cheat on spouse, what to do – 181020

Who Me, Pray?... With Her? – 190130

Why Marriage Matters. 21 Social Sciences Conclusions – 050811

Work + Love = Holiness – COLF – 2010


On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Marriage - Control Healing Trust, Love Matters, Marriage Joy, Mutual Love, Tips, Who Me Pray? Why Marriage Matters

On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


 Control, Healing, & Trust in Marriage - Nov 1, 2018 

Love Matters - WYD 2002 - March 11, 2004 

Mariage - La Joie de l'Amour Conjugal - 17 août, 2018 

Marriage - The Joy of Married Love - August 17, 2018 

Mutual Love in Matrimony - January 5, 2018 

Tips & Suggestions for Engaged & Married Couples - June 20, 2015 

Who Me, Pray?... With Her? - January 30, 2019 

Why Marriage Matters - 21 Conclusions from Social Sciences - August 11, 2005 

Courtship - by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen 

Love Is a Gardenby Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

Life Is Worth Living: Laws of Marriageby Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

Marriage & Incompatibility - Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen 

Marriage ProblemsVenerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Marriage - for young married couplesVenerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen


On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Saturday, November 17, 2018

CHURCH - Jesus is Lord, Son of God, the One Saviour of the World - He calls all who hear Him to be his Disciples and sends them out as his Missionaries

On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


 Rethinking the parish concept – The Catholic Register – 130519

Be Reconciled to God – Fr. Cantalamessa – 160325

Called to Make Missionary Disciples – 181116-17
(notes at talk by Fr. James Mallon)

I’m Never Coming Back to This Church – 170507
 (A Church Staff’s Guide to Visitors)

10 Ways to Revitalize the CatholicChurch – 130910

Andragogy VS Pedagogy for Church Mission – 120221

Reluctant Catholics Be Bold – in America – 180424

You Can’t Spread God’s Love from an Armchair – 171014

Courageous Discipleship for True Freedom – in Columbia – 170909

The Missionary Shift of Christian Communities – Summary – 2016  

The Missionary Shift of Christian Communities – AEQ – February 2016  

Measuring the Unmeasurable – by PillarsTrust – 180201
 (About the Member Engagement Survey by Gallup)

5 ways to become the best evangelist ever – Uevangelize – 170701

Fire through Growth in Charisms – ICCRS – 161028

La Paroisse – Marche de la Miséricorde – Montréal QC – 161013

Hierarchical & Charismatic Gifts in Church Mission – 160614

Collaboration of Men and Women in the Church – CDF – 040531

INTO THE BREACH – Exhortation to Catholic Men – 150929
 (By Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted, Phoenix AZ)

Letter to Catholics re. Pope Francis by Deal W Hudson – 130923

UNLEACH THE GOSPEL – Detroit Pastoral Letter – 170603 

Volunteers: How to Get Them and Keep Them – Today’s Parish 1983

Volunteers: How to Get Them and Keep Them –
 (The Resource Guide for Churches)


On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Humanity at the beginning of the Third Millennium is in crisis. The R.C. Church is in crisis, but so are the other Christian churches and other religions. What are we to do about it in 2024?

On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary discipl...