Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Bill of Rights for Church Workers

On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


 PDF file     

A Bill of Rights for Church Workers

(Taken from a city hospice-training program)

1.       Coworkers – Workers have the right to be treated fairly as coworkers, to know as much about the Church and its policies and procedures as possible.

2.      Dignity and Respect – Workers have the right to an orderly, designated place conducive to work and the worth of the job to be done; regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religions or physical ability.

3.       Suitable Assignments – Workers have the right to suitable assignments that take into consideration personal preference, temperament, life experience, education, and employment background, and with a proper job description.

4.      Training – Workers have the right to training for the job as well as the right to continuing education, even at times during work hours.

5.      Guidance and Feedback – Workers have the right to sound guidance, direction, and feedback on their performance, with regular performance reviews.

6.      Variety of Assignments – Workers have the right to a variety of experiences through advancements to assignments with more responsibility, and through the transfer from one activity to another; with reference to performance.

7.      Free Speech – Workers have the right to be heard, to feel free to make suggestions, to have respect shown for an honest opinion, and to have a part in planning.

8.      Recognition – Workers have the right to recognition in the form of promotion, awards, and day-to-day expressions of appreciation.

          “Some may protest that it is a legal misnomer to use the word “right” to describe the claims of workers.  No church authority has granted these rights to parishioners.  There are no sanctions if these so-called rights are curtailed or infringed.  But I think they deserve to be called rights.  Why?  Because these statements describe what a Christian community owes its workers.  If a parish is to be faithful to what the Church teaches about human dignity, and faithful to St. Paul’s doctrine of the many members and the one body; then every parish worker should claim these rights.  

          Ultimately, however, it is not a question of workers demanding concessions from the parish.  Nor is it a question of the church owing something to workers (members).  All of us are the church.  We should freely give to one another the courtesy, respect, support, honesty, opportunity, freedom, and appreciation that we want for ourselves.  When we acknowledge the rights of workers, we empower ourselves and build up a fuller communion.”

Adapted Nov. 7, 2001 from the piece on Volunteers by Bridget Lynch Fischer, in “Today’s Parish”, Sept. 2001, pgs. 16-19.


On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Bill of Rights for Church Volunteers

On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


 PDF file     

A Bill of Rights for Church Volunteers

(Taken from a city hospice-training program)

1.       Coworkers – Volunteers have the right to be treated fairly as coworkers, to know as much about the Church and its policies and procedures as possible.

2.       Dignity and Respect – Workers have the right to an orderly, designated place conducive to work and the worth of the job to be done; regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religions or physical ability. 

3.      Suitable Assignments – Volunteers have the right to suitable assignments that take into consideration personal preference, temperament, life experience, education, and employment background, and with a proper job description.

4.      Training – Volunteers have the right to training for the job as well as the right to continuing education.

5.      Guidance and Feedback – Volunteers have the right to sound guidance, direction, and feedback on their performance, with regular performance reviews.

6.      Variety of Assignments – Volunteers have the right to a variety of experiences through advancements to assignments with more responsibility, and through the transfer from one activity to another; with reference to performance.

7.      Free Speech – Volunteers have the right to be heard, to feel free to make suggestions, to have respect shown for an honest opinion, and to have a part in planning.

8.      Recognition – Volunteers have the right to recognition in the form of promotion, awards, and day-to-day expressions of appreciation.

          “Some may protest that it is a legal misnomer to use the word “right” to describe the claims of volunteers.  No church authority has granted these rights to parishioners.  There are no sanctions if these so-called rights are curtailed or infringed.  But I think they deserve to be called rights.  Why?  Because these statements describe what a Christian community owes its volunteers.  If a parish is to be faithful to what the Church teaches about human dignity, and faithful to St. Paul’s doctrine of the many members and the one body; then every parish volunteer should claim these rights.

          Ultimately, however, it is not a question of volunteers demanding concessions from the parish.  Nor is it a question of the church owing something to volunteer parishioners.  All of us are the church.  We should freely give to one another the courtesy, respect, support, honesty, opportunity, freedom, and appreciation that we want for ourselves.  When we acknowledge the rights of volunteers, we empower ourselves and build up a fuller communion.”       

Taken Nov. 6, 2001 from the piece By Bridget Lynch Fischer, in “Today’s Parish”, September 2001, pages 16-19.


On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

PARENTING - Affective & Sexuality Formation, Couple & Parent Daily Devotions, Introducing children to Jesus, Rules of Life, Teen Speak, Training of Children

On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


10 Practical Ways to Introduce a Child to Jesus – 140729

Asseoir son autorité sans fessée – 181130

Couple & Parent Devotion Ideas EXCEL – PDF – 201117

Couple & Parent Devotion Moments EXCEL – PDF – 201117

1. Job, 2. Education: Why Your Teenager Needs a Job – 170511

Harry Potter? What Does God Have to Say? – 2000

L’intimidation: fléau à combattre tous ensemble – OCVF – 2013

Little Kids Horarium – Excel – 190218

Parent Management Strategies at Home – 140810

Parents - éducation affective et sexuelle de vos enfants – 170424

Parents Form Hearts Minds of Children - Love & Example – 180803

Parents, Children, Rules of Life By Rev. C Burke (1980) – 170225

Parents, will your children be happy? Formation of conscience – 2015

Positive Talk with Teens - “13 Reasons Why” on suicide – 170511

Reinventing Dad. By Dennis Helming (1995) – Scepter – 170225

Resilience – 10 Ways to Increase Your Child’s – 170511

Safeguarding children online – Fr H Zollner & LINKS – 200624

Secrets for Student Success – Family – 140810

Sharing the Faith with Your Teens – 151124

Spiritual Development & Religious Education - Early Years – 180628

Study after study - kids do best with married parents – 151029

Teach Your Child to Love God – 151222

Teen Speak: Have Important Chats with Teenagers – 170511

 “Training of Children” – 3 Positive parenting tips - Fulton Sheen
 piece by Fr. Michael Rennier – Aleteia dot org – 170806

The Transformative Power of Fatherhood – 140614 

Why RC's leave faith by 10 – What Parents Can Do – 160913

World Meeting Families 2015 – Lesson Plans Pre-K to 8 – 140917


On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Saturday, May 23, 2020

FAMILY - Blessing, Conscience, Forgiveness, Immortal Soul, Mass, New Age

On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


A School of Forgiveness - by the KofC - May 23, 2020 

Blessing of a House - June 22, 2019 

Blessing of a New HomeJune 22, 2019 

Conscience - Where Does It Come From? - June 17, 2017 

An Immortal Soul Separates Man from Animals - March 23, 2017 

New Age - A Christian Reflection - September 18, 2013 

Reflection before Sunday Mass - December 3, 2018 

"Training of Children" by Archbishop Fulton Sheen
He spoke in a different time to a different audience. Though society has changed;
human nature and the deep character of children have not changed.
That is why this short talk continues to be very relevant today.
If these links no longer work, search for "Training of Children"

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3  

What Happens during Holy Mass? Life? - September 9, 2018 

Why God Made Families - November 7, 2014 


On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

FAMILY LIFE - children, development, culture war, digital age, family life, handicaps, home liturgy, the Lord's Day, love, media, sabbath, world peace

On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


A child gives life to love and love to life – COLF – 2000

AMother’s Story of Down Syndrome – 160322

At Home: Celebrating the Liturgy of Domestic Church Life – 200324

Avoirdes sœurs aide à devenir une meilleure personne – 180316

Building Catholic Character: 5 Things Parents Can Do – 120418

Catholic Q & A – Info on R.C. doctrines – 100209

Eachchild needs a mother and father united in marital love – 170608

ChildrenLearn What They Live – 111230

Comelet us pray! A Prayerful Home – A Prayerful Life – COLF – 2001

Confession Preparation – Fr. Thomas Dowd Montreal 2003 – 170304

Confession Se Préparer – Abbé Thomas Dowd Montreal 2003 – 170304

Confronting the New Age – in The Bread of Life – May / June 2008

The dark side of living ‘childfree’ – 150625

Delegate even if it takes more time – 160923

Developmental Stages from 0 to 20 – 141125

Discerning Fruits of the Digital Age VS Face-to-Face – KofC – 140301

Early Catholic Family Life 0 to 5 – Forming Family Faith – 170806

L’Évangile de la vie quotidienne – OCVF – 121002

Exorcist says a demon targets the family – 160924 


Christ calls us to sow joy and hope! – COLF – 2014

Did you know? Love is calling your children – COLF – 2011

Let’s Build a Better World Together! – COLF – 2009

Messengers of the Compassionate Love of Christ – COLF – 2003

Where are the saints of the third millennium? – COLF – 2007

Source of joy and hope! Unwrap your gifts… – COLF – 1998

Choose Life: Choose Jesus Christ (New Age) – COLF – 2013

Family Life – Living It Together – 150220

Handicaps, Children, Family, Matrimony, Vocation – 160924

Human & Personal Development – 181030

The Lord’s Day of Rest for a Young Catholic Family – 150223

The Lord’s Day – Rest, Work, & Hospitality – 141126

Love must be core of family life – Pope Francis – 170330

Mai 2011! Le mois de la famille! – Paroisse – 110413

Mai 2011! Le mois de la famille! – Famille – 110413

Maternal Fetal Attachment – Bioethics – 140124

The Media: A Fascinating Challenge for the Family – 161019

The Next Culture War (to rebuild society) – 150630

Public Crisis – Doing Our Best Is a Good Start – 181028

Reflection before Participating in Sunday Mass – 181203

Sabbath – The Liberating Gift – 141126

Sabbath Resources – 141125

Serving the Divorced and Remarried Well – 161016

What happens during Mass & life in parallel? – 190130

Why God Made Families – poem – 141107

World Peace: a family recipe! – COLF – 2005


On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Friday, December 13, 2019

MARRIAGE - Annulments, Crisis, Deadly Sins Remedies, Divorce Recovery, Human Condition, Love, Respect, Sabbath/Sunday Rest, Stress

On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


10 Ways to Show Respect to Your Spouse – 180803

8 Ways to Show Your Wife Respect – 180222

Catholic Christian Tools Blog LINK with helps for prayer & faith

The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide – 150902

The Catholic Understanding of Marriage – 181110

Confessions of a Former Sabbath Breaker – 880902

Les Couples et la condition humaine – 130403

Divorce and Remarriage – A Pastoral Approach – 181102

Divorce Recovery Programs for Christians – 150902

EQUIPPED – Smart Catholic Parenting in Sexualized Culture – 191213

The Family Rosary Taught by Fr. Patrick Peyton – 180624

The Family School of love for life! A sanctuary of life…. – COLF – 1997

Family Stress & Energy Test – Montréal QC – 181028

Fathers’ Day Meditation – 181101

The Gospel of Everyday Life. An adventure worth sharing! – COLF – 2012

Green Love – The natural approach to family planning – COLF – 1998

How the Church supports marriages every step – CNA – 170214

How to Respond to Your Child’s Friendship Issues – 170511

Humanae Vitae is prophetic ‘blueprint’ for society – 181011

Husband’s Duties VS demonic attacks on Marriage & Family – 161003

Keep Holy Sunday - day of grace dedicated to God – 020622

Kids think no need to go to church because dad doesn’t – 180412

Living in the Image and Likeness of God – 180214

Marriage & Family Hazards & Safeguards – 090420

Marriage, Divorce, Annulments by Fr Thomas Dowd – 080315

Marriage in Crisis? By Rev. Cormac Burke (1976) – Scepter – 170225

Mediation – Families in Transition / Parenting Travel Log – 170209

Most marriages today are invalid, Pope Francis suggests – 160617

The Seven Deadly Sins & Their Remedies – 160316

There’s just not enough hours in the day – 031201

TIPS for Marriage & Family from the Family Life Chaplain – 150620

What the Church really says about divorce – CNA – 150907

What’s destroying RC marriages? Overcoming sinful anger – 151230

When tempted to cheat on spouse, what to do – 181020

Who Me, Pray?... With Her? – 190130

Why Marriage Matters. 21 Social Sciences Conclusions – 050811

Work + Love = Holiness – COLF – 2010


On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Sunday, October 6, 2019

Health Tips - Warm-ups and Stretches

On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.




The following exercise routine is taken from a Mr. Thompson (as part of a Tennis course), but it has proven particularly useful in managing the ordinary stresses and emotional charges of everyday living and preparing for more strenuous exercise: running, fast walking, swimming, cycling, canoeing, golfing, or heavy manual labor ‑ especially when one is not accustomed to doing these every day.

To do these warm‑ups and stretches thoroughly, you could spend 40 minutes, but they can be done with satisfaction in about 25 minutes. The basic working principle is the inner strength God gives us to exercise good stewardship in caring for his precious gift to us – our incarnate soul.  The call to sanctity requires us to learn to deny our flesh all its wants; so that we can lay our life down for others out of love.  If we deny the fact that our soul is incarnate; then our body will exact its vengeance with trouble in the form of various dysfunctions, which, often could easily be prevented or remedied.

CAUTION          Both warm‑ups and stretches are designed for joints free from pathological disorders. If you have arthritis or any other chronic or acute problems in your joints, consult

your physician before attempting these.  If uncertain about your ability to do these without hurting yourself, ask someone experienced with physical exercise to supervise you.   These are gentle exercises, and may be attempted by anyone that is in good health, and are very useful for dispelling stiffness, aches, or moods, and for storing up some energy for the day's work and the stresses of everyday living.


The objective of warm‑up exercises is to warm up and loosen the muscles by movement. We begin with the uppermost articulation ‑ the neck ‑ and working our way down to the bottommost ‑ the ankles.  Once they are completed, we can move on to the stretching exercises, following the same path.

Warm‑ups work by moving the articulation in a particular fashion for 8 to 30 repetitions.  The ideal is to became so familiar with the desired effect, that we forget about counting, and simply repeat until we feel the muscles and the articulations warm up and begin to loosen.

Why our overall well‑being and spirituality requires movement is because of emotive charges. There are many and varied all through the day from the joy of satisfaction to the frustration of delay in achieving a task. Emotional charges tend to lodge in our muscular system, and the only way to dispel them is through moving them sufficiently, i.e., setting the whole body in motion.  These routines can allow one to change one’s mood, or dispel a mood that clings like a wet blanket.  How can we find the patience to show mercy to the neighbor, if we are unwilling to show it to our own self entrusted to us?

WARM‑UPS              All upper body exercises are done with feet reasonably spread apart and hands on hips, unless otherwise occupied. Do 8 to 20 repetitions, or until you feel the articulation warm‑up and begin to loosen.  30 or so repetitions should generally be sufficient, at most.


* Star indicates 2 separate exercises ‑ first in one direction; then in the other direction.

N.B.: For these exercises, avoid sudden, jerking motions; move the member gently, with slow rhythm; while allowing the other members to "relax"; as though they were "spectators".


1.        Move head straight forwards and backwards in a "Yes" motion.

2.        Keeping head upright, move it to the left and then to the right, at right angles, in a "No" motion.  (A Humor Moment: Beware the temptation to wildly fantasize about the potential significance of this motion.)

3.        Tilt the head to one side ‑ as far as it will comfortably go ‑ then let it roll by itself in a natural motion, without propelling it, until it reaches the opposite position on the other side; then roll back to the starting point, and so on. Only roll the head forwards; do not roll back at all to avoid injury ‑ stay in the forward plane.


4.        *With arms limp at your sides, rotate your shoulders in a circle forwards, counting each full rotation; then reverse and rotate them the other way.


5.        With fists gently clenched or closed, hold arms up in a horizontal plane level with the shoulders and fists over the breast bone. Without moving the upper arms, extend the lower arms outwards to either side and open the hands so that hands are fully open as the arms are fully extended. Bring back the arms while closing the fists again. Repeat.


6.        *With arms held straight forward parallel to one another on a level with the shoulders, rotate the wrists in full circles, first towards one another; then away from one another.


7.        In a fashion similar to the head roll in a half‑moon forwards, we now rotate the upper body back and forth from one side to the other. With legs reasonably set apart ‑ as for all these exercises ‑ place hands on the hips; then, while keeping the whole upper body and head still, allow the whole upper body to tilt to one side as far as you can comfortably allow. Without swaying the hips, let the whole upper body roll forwards in a plane or half‑moon all the way to a tilt on the other side as far as you can comfortably allow. Avoid leaning backwards. Roll back to the starting position on the other side, and so on.


8.        These hip exercises involve balance; they require moving one leg off the floor. Again, we are standing with arms on hips, but this time, with legs together and body erect. Balancing on one foot, swing the other leg back and forth as far as it will comfortably go.

9.        Swing the same leg out to the side away from you as far as it will comfortably go.

10.        *Rotate the same leg in as wide a windmill circle as you comfortably can in one direction; then reverse in the other direction.


11.        – 12. – 13.* Repeat exercises # 8 ‑ 9 ‑ 10 standing on the other leg.


14.         Sanding erect, feet together, arms limp at your sides, lift first one knee, then the other, as high as you comfortably can; in a marching motion.


15.         *Standing erect, feet together, hands on your hips, lift one foot off the ground slightly in front of you; then rotate the foot around in a circle ‑ first to one side ‑ then to the other.

16.         *Repeat standing on the other foot.


The objective of a stretch is to extend a muscle or group of muscles that have been warmed up and hold them in that extended position for from 30 to 45 seconds; until the muscle accepts to distend or relax.  Depending on our condition, this may only be partially achieved on any given day, and may become more complete over several days; as the muscle relaxes more and more to what we could call a position of rest. Here follow specific instructions for actually carrying out the exercises themselves.

We are now ready to do the stretching exercises. Remember: no bouncing or jerking motions. We gently extend as far as we can and hold it until we feel the muscles relax and extend a little further. It generally takes 30 to 45 seconds each time.


17.         Generally, these exercises are done with legs reasonably spread apart and hands on the hips. To begin, let your head drop gently forward as far as it will comfortably go or until the chin touches the chest. Hold.  Return. Repeat in the other direction.

18.         Let your head drop slowly and gently to one side ‑ keeping the face looking forward, with one simple clean motion sideways ‑ as far as comfortable. Hold.

19.         Repeat in the other direction.


20.         Draping one arm around the front and over the opposite shoulder towards the back, bring the other palm to rest on the back of that elbow and gently bring that elbow towards you as far as it will comfortably go. Hold.

21.         Repeat for the other arm.

22.         Bring each arm up with hands wrapping around the opposite shoulder and creep your fingers along your back as far as they will comfortably go in a "self‑hug" position. Hold.

23.         With one hand going behind your back and the other hand going over the opposite shoulder try to let your hands reach diagonally across your back and the fingertips interlock; gently pull at the fingertips to stretch arm/shoulder muscles.  Hold.

24.         Repeat in the opposite direction.

25.         Reach one hand behind the head over to rest on the opposite shoulder; then place the other hand on the opposite elbow, and let the whole torso lean in the direction of the shoulder being touched ‑ as far as comfortable. Hold.

26.         Repeat in the other direction.

27.         Standing erect with legs apart, hold open palms up about shoulder height facing the front as though to avert bumping into something ‑ a foot or less away from the torso. Without moving other body parts, swivel the entire torso, arms and hands all together as far around to one side as they will comfortably go – hold.

28.         Repeat in the other direction.

HIPS & LEGS          This set of exercises may be done equally well and successfully sitting on the floor or standing. If you have no particular reason to do them on your feet; you can do them sitting down.  Keep your knees open and straight at all times.

29.         Legs spread about 3/4 apart, lean forwards with fingers extended to your toes. In time, you may be able to touch your toes, or you may never do so ‑ each body is unique ‑ so don't be concerned about that. Hold in this extended position until you feel the muscles in your legs beginning to relax and your reach extending a little.

30.         Move the legs closer ‑ about two feet apart at the feet, and extend the hands once more as far as they will comfortably go. Hold.

31.         Repeat with the feet together.

32.         Now fully extend the legs as far apart as comfortable and reach ahead and down ‑ not towards the toes but straight down ‑ with the hands as far as you can go. Hold.


33.         Standing erect with feet together, and arms limp at your sides, lift the right foot upwards towards the buttocks and hold the toes with the right hand ‑ and pull the toes gently towards you until the heel rests against the buttock. Hold.

34.         Repeat for the other leg and knee.

WE’RE DONE!        Now we're ready to begin some aerobic exercises, a fast walk, running, swimming, cycling, or skiing.  Otherwise, this is simply a great way to just get into the day or do some heavy manual labor.  You can also do a milder version of these, with fewer repetitions, more slowly, and extending not so much, in order to relax the body and prepare for sleep.

WHAT ABOUT SENIORS?  As we get older and our balance and mobility become uncertain or more limited, it becomes desirable to continue with such exercises to both warm up and stretch, but to do so in a way that will avoid injury or the fear of injury.  For this reason, some of these and any other useful exercises can be done from a sitting position in a good stable chair.  Age and decreased mobility also weakens our muscles, so it is good to add a little resistance to some exercises by holding weights in our hands, which can be increased as our muscle strength increases.

fathergilles@gmail.com     514-864-5600 (Receptionist)

I originally took these notes after my first tennis class at the Olympic Pool Centre at the Montreal Olympic Stadium in 2001. I edited and improved the document December 12, 2007 and a few more times until an edit October 6, 2019 for my original website, and this final edit January 27, 2021 for these web pages.


On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring to humanity the Good News of the Father's love manifested and given in Jesus, the Divine Mercy. G.S.


© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Humanity at the beginning of the Third Millennium is in crisis. The R.C. Church is in crisis, but so are the other Christian churches and other religions. What are we to do about it in 2024?

On these Blogger pages we explore TOPICS in our desire to respond to Jesus' call to walk with Him in our world as his missionary discipl...